Gordon Myers
Articles on Life, Truth, Love, Computers, and Music
Published Religious Articles
My website is still quite new, so it's lacking in content. I thought I'd fill it out a little with a quick post to highlight all of the published articles I've already written elsewhere of a religious nature. Enjoy!
Praying for Chardon High School
A perspective on the school shooting in Chardon, Ohio
There was a better way
Praying through roadblocks while planning a CSO lecture
Don't buy into the "bad boy syndrome"
A focus on ones own purity is more attractive than stereotypes
Man up to real manhood
Real manhood is a quality that cannot become obsolete or undervalued
Letting Go (en Español) (en Français)
A perspective after a breakup
Forgiveness brings healing
Here the title is fairly self-explanatory
God's gentle love...soaked me in orange juice!
A perspective on obsessive/ruminating thought
Let the Spirit flow
Handling criticism in church from within
Digging deeper
A look at different Bible translations
Learning to teach
A perspective on teaching Sunday School