Gordon Myers

Articles on Life, Truth, Love, Computers, and Music

Stick Figure Scriptures

One year ago, I had an idea while on a camping trip. I wanted to re-tell my #1 favorite story from the Bible in a fun and relevant way. I had a blank notebook and a pen, so I started making a bunch of different stick figure drawings. Normally I don't bring notebooks with me on camping trips, but this time I had felt impelled to. It's a little strange when I think about it in retrospect -- while I was drawing, I didn't really feel like I was creating anything. I felt like I was discovering something that was already there, and that it was the most natural thing in the world.

This idea progressed and unfolded over the next several months. I carefully digitized each of the drawings and made tweaks to them. I spoke with an editor about shortening the script. And I even composed a score of background music and roped some of my students into recording different parts for me. ;D

Without further ado, I now present to you the finished product: Episode 1 of Stick Figure Scriptures:

And in case you'd like to hear the background music I wrote for this, I've made that available on my SoundCloud page. Enjoy!

2 Comments from the Community:

1 Glenda Goyette Buda on 15 Jul 2013 at 9:58 am

Just lovely. The simplicity with which you tell and illustrate this healing story really allows the foundational spiritual truth to shine forth. I'll be sharing this with my Sunday School class.
Hope to see more!

2 Gail Satterthwaite on 2 Oct 2013 at 4:37 pm

What a lovely way to tell the story of Hannah. I showed it to my Wednesday morning ladies study group today. They loved it. I hope you consider making more. Wonderful.

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